The Essence of Patina Collection – A Note from Founder and Owner Karen Abell

When people travel, especially abroad, it is in those moments of wonder that we often whisper to ourselves, "I could live here."

After many trips to Europe, wandering through the grand flea markets of Paris, strolling through the weekend markets of France, and falling under the spell of Italy's architecture and design, I felt something that transcended the usual admiration. It was a longing to capture and share this beauty. I became mesmerized by the idea of curating a collection of products and antiques that would bring the essence of Europe back home. This was the moment my idea for Patina Collection began.

In a world overflowing with overconsumption and mass production, I wanted to create a store that honors the goods and works of the past, celebrates artists, and invites people to embrace the beauty they bring into their homes thoughtfully.

As Patina Collection approaches its 13th anniversary, I am drawn into a moment of reflection and celebration. What began as a singular vision has grown into a remarkable journey with two vibrant locations—our first in Naples, FL, and the other in the heart of Chicago.

Looking back, I am deeply grateful for the experiences and extraordinary people this venture has brought into my life. Each step along the way has enriched our story and strengthened our community.

"Il meglio deve venire” – the best is yet to come. As we look toward the future, the possibilities for the Patina Collection are boundless. We are excited to continue expanding our offerings and curating captivating and delightful collections.

All the best,



Fête by Patina


Finding New Treasures